HR-1 which stands for House Resolution 1 is a proposal that the Democrats
are pushing that would ultimately disenfranchise any legitimate ballot cast
in this country. They are talking about making ballot harvesting legal and not
even having to have the ballots signature verified. I thought you needed to
verify who you are when registering to vote, why wouldn't you need
identification when casting your vote. At least have a verification process and
issue a pin number with a signature. This is not how they want it. They want
the same recipe that the virus afforded them to steal all elections. They would
like to have field operatives go to nursing homes, pretending to care about
the voting rights of our elders, and collect the mail in ballots. They would be
allowed to change or discard votes that aren't favorable to their candidate.
This cannot be allowed because it will destroy our democracy and leave us with
a Banana Republic.
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